If an earlier appointment with your child’s provider becomes available, we will notify you via text and/or email, and you can choose to reschedule.
Log in to your child’s Norton MyChart account via proxy access. If you don’t have proxy access, see instructions below.
Schedule a visit and select “Get On The Wait List.”
Sign up to accept Norton MyChart notifications.
You will receive a notification from your Norton MyChart account if an earlier appointment becomes available. If you don’t want the earlier appointment, you will keep your originally scheduled time and you can wait for another earlier appointment to become available.
If you are offered a new appointment and want to accept it, be sure to confirm it as soon as possible. Wait list offers for new appointments are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis and will expire after about 15 hours.
If you choose to keep your current appointment or do not claim the new appointment offer before it expires, no further action is required. You will keep your original appointment and remain on the wait list. You will be notified if additional appointment times become available.
You may receive wait list offers for each appointment you have scheduled with a Norton Healthcare provider offering this convenient option.
Before you can get on a wait list for your child’s appointment, you will need your own free Norton MyChart account. Once you have an account, sign on from a computer and choose the “Your Menu” icon at the top of the page, select “Personalize” from the dropdown menu, then select “Request access to a minor’s record.” You will receive a notification once access has been set up. The child’s profile will show up on your home screen every time you sign in on the mobile app or a computer.
If you need assistance, send an email to [email protected] or call (502) 629-8766.