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Asthma tests are one part of a complete diagnosis that pinpoints your child’s condition and guides treatment. A thorough exam and diagnostic tests give the specialists at Norton Children’s Pulmonology the information they need to develop a customized treatment plan.
The first step to diagnosing asthma in children is collecting a medical history. Our specialists will ask about your child’s symptoms, when they occur and whether anything in particular seems to trigger them.
Additional questions can include:
A physical exam of your child may include the upper airways, listening to their breathing with a stethoscope and looking at the skin for allergic symptoms such as hives.
Diagnostic tests will provide detail to help develop a precise diagnosis. Asthma tests aren’t accurate in children under age 5. Your asthma care team will rely on symptoms and a physical exam to determine initial treatments.
Additional tests may be ordered to rule out other causes of your child’s symptoms or identify conditions affecting them in addition to asthma. These can include an assessment for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), as well as allergy skin tests and blood tests that can identify allergens that are causing your child’s symptoms or making their asthma worse.
Wheezing — a whistling sound especially when exhaling — is the classic sign of an attack or flare-up. Other common signs are coughing, chest tightness and shortness of breath. Asthma attack triggers can vary from child to child.
Asthma attacks can rapidly become severe, sometimes leading to life-threatening symptoms. Understanding your child’s symptoms and how to treat them can save their life. Addressing the causes of your child’s asthma attacks is the first step in controlling their condition.
Our specialists also will ask about the environment around your child and discuss how you can remove causes of asthma attacks.