Pediatric COVID-19 Follow-up Clinic

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Norton Children’s Infectious Diseases

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(502) 588-2348

Norton Children’s Infectious Diseases offers a COVID-19 Follow-up Clinic for children and teens experiencing effects after a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.

If your child is experiencing severe COVID-19 symptoms or multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) associated with COVID-19, go directly to the Norton Children’s Hospital emergency department.

Children and teens may feel unwell for a prolonged amount of time after confirmed or suspected illness with COVID-19. The COVID-19 Follow-up Clinic aims to help families receive additional laboratory tests or any subspecialist referrals that their child may need.

Who Can Be Seen in the COVID-19 Follow-up Clinic?

A referral is required for clinic services. Call your child’s pediatrician or (502) 629-KIDS for a referral to the clinic.Call for Information

Before a child can be referred to the clinic, they will:

  • Need to have a proven or strongly suspected COVID-19 diagnosis
  • Need to be without a fever (without using fever-reducing medicines)
  • Be 10 days past the first time they experienced symptoms and/or received a positive COVID-19 test
  • Need to still feel unwell with symptoms
  • Need a referral from the child’s pediatrician or other health care provider

COVID-19 Vaccines

Norton Children’s has opened COVID-19 vaccination appointments for kids ages 6 months and older.

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This clinic is separate from the Norton Children’s Pediatric MIS-C Multidisciplinary Clinic. The MIS-C clinic is intended for follow-up of children discharged from the hospital.

Children can be seen by a pediatric infectious diseases specialist as soon as the day after receiving a physician referral to the COVID-19 Follow-up Clinic. Appointments are available in person and via telehealth through a MyNortonChart account.

My Child Didn’t Have to Go to the Hospital After Being Diagnosed With COVID-19 and Recovered. Are We in the Clear?

In most children, COVID-19 is mild and children fully recover without the need for ongoing treatment. Even after mild COVID-19 illness, middle and high school athletes should be cleared by their primary care provider before returning to play. If your child has symptoms that last more than two weeks, they may benefit from evaluation at the clinic.

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