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The pediatric nephrologists with Norton Children’s Nephrology offer children from newborns to age 18 comprehensive care and state-of-the-art tests for diagnosing and managing a wide range of kidney conditions, including hematuria.

What Is Hematuria?

Hematuria means blood in urine. Blood can get into the urine from anywhere in the urinary tract, including the kidney, ureter, bladder or urethra. Hematuria in children can be distressing for families, but the condition often is nonthreatening.

The two types of hematuria include:

  • Gross: Gross hematuria is blood in the urine that is noticeable to the eye. This means that there is enough blood to change the color of the urine, ranging from bright red to dark brown.
  • Microscopic: Microscopic hematuria is blood in the urine that can be seen only through a microscope. It can be detected by a simple urine test often performed at a health care provider’s office during a well visit.

Reasons for Blood in Urine

There are many causes for hematuria, including:

  • Benign familial hematuria: A condition in which hematuria is an inherited trait (passed down from parent to child). It usually is a harmless, lifelong condition.
  • Blockage in the urinary tract
  • Kidney disease, including glomerulonephritis
  • Kidney stones: Blood may appear in the urine while a stone moves through the urinary tract.
  • Strenuous exercise: Hematuria can appear after strenuous activity, such as running a marathon.

Hematuria Treatment

Depending on the type of hematuria and its cause, the pediatric nephrologists with Norton Children’s Nephrology will work with you and your child to develop a treatment plan based on your child’s condition, current health and age.

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