A child with a fever can be scary in normal times. These days, it’s especially so. Here are some steps to take when it happens, and how to know when a fever is too high for a child. Is it really a fever? First, make sure it’s really a fever. As with adults, a child’s…
Kids with multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) are recovering after treatments with anti-inflammatory drugs such as intravenous immunoglobulin and steroids, according to Brian J. Holland, M.D., chief of pediatric cardiology at Norton Children’s Heart Institute. Children who’ve come to the Norton Children’s Pediatric MIS-C Multidisciplinary Clinic are recovering after being hospitalized with moderate to…
When she graduated from college, Kristina A. Bryant, M.D., didn’t plan on becoming a doctor. She’d majored in French and political science. Her first job out of school was working as a medical writer for the University of Louisville. Her career goals changed dramatically when she was assigned to help CNN do a series about…
¿Un niño pequeño tose cuando está acostado? ¿Quizás no tosió en absoluto durante el día, o no tosió mucho, pero empezó a toser por la noche? La razón es que la mucosidad de los senos nasales se drena hacia la garganta mientras su niño está en posición horizontal, lo que desencadena la tos. El asma…
Son las 2 a.m. y su hijo tiene fiebre alta. ¿Los signos de la gripe están ahí o es COVID-19? En ese momento, los pensamientos de los padres pueden acelerarse: “¿Debo llamar al pediatra o ir al departamento de emergencias?” Haga un inventario de cómo se ve su hijo y cómo está actuando según la…
Teens have different psychosocial needs than younger children. They crave autonomy and independence. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many teens are still grappling with a new normal: e-learning for the start of the school year, sports, extracurriculars and even some milestone events are different than they’ve experienced before. What can parents do to help their…
It’s 2 a.m. and your child has a high fever. The signs of the flu are there, or is it COVID-19? At that point, a parent’s thoughts can race: “Should I call the pediatrician or go to the emergency department?” Take an inventory of what your child looks like and how they are acting based…
If you’re considering sending your child to day care, or camp and activities, there are questions you can ask to make sure the facility is following guidelines to protect you and your family. Kentucky issued requirements for child care programs prior to their June 15, 2020, reopening during the coronavirus pandemic. In addition to some…
There will be more than one virus to take steps to avoid as schools reopen. Kids have always brought home germs, viruses and bacteria that could make their sick day a sick day for you too. COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus, has symptoms that overlap with flu. Understand the symptoms of each. If…
Colleges across the country are taking steps to keep students safer — reconfiguring dorm rooms, creating more classroom space to allow for social distancing and adopting policies to reduce the risk of spread of the coronavirus. It’s not too late to review your child’s health insurance and make sure they understand health insurance and can…
Face masks can be dangerous for babies and toddlers under age 2, but there are steps you can take to protect the little ones from the coronavirus. Babies and toddlers have smaller airways, making breathing through a face mask more difficult than for adults. If they do have trouble breathing, they can’t tell anyone and…
Keeping healthy during this time is crucial — when was the last time your child saw their doctor? Norton Children’s practices and facilities have resumed all services as before the coronavirus outbreak, while taking extra precautions to keep you and your child safer. If you’ve been putting off vaccinations, a well-baby visit or other medical care…