COVID Vaccine, COVID19

Pequeño repunte en los casos de COVID-19 en el Norton Children’s Hospital; se anima la vacunación

This post is also available in English Después de semanas de no tener niños internados en Norton Children’s Hospital con COVID-19, ahora hay típicamente dos o tres en el hospital en cualquier momento que están siendo tratados por la enfermedad, según Kristina A. Bryant, M.D., doctora de Enfermedades Infecciosas de Norton Children, afiliada a la Escuela…

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COVID Vaccine, COVID19

Small uptick in COVID-19 cases at Norton Children’s Hospital; vaccination encouraged

Pequeño repunte en los casos de COVID-19 en el Norton Children’s Hospital; se anima la vacunación After weeks with no children admitted to Norton Children’s Hospital with COVID-19, there are now typically two or three in the hospital at any time being treated for the disease, according to Kristina A. Bryant, M.D., physician with Norton…

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COVID Vaccine, COVID19, Infectious Disease, News, Research

Norton Children’s Research Institute to participate in COVID-19 investigational vaccine clinical trial for children ages 6 months to 4 years

The Norton Children’s Research Institute will participate in a phase 2/3 clinical trial of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 investigational vaccine for healthy children ages 6 months to 4 years. The study will evaluate safety, tolerability and immune response in this age group. It is the only site in Louisville offering the trial and among 100 participating…

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COVID Vaccine, COVID19

Norton Children’s opens COVID-19 vaccinations to children ages 12 and older

Norton Children’s has opened COVID-19 vaccine scheduling for children ages 12 and up on Parents or legal guardians who would like to schedule their children for vaccination can make an appointment at Multiple Norton Children’s locations throughout Louisville Metro will be giving vaccines. A clinical trial of this vaccine in 2,260 children ages…

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COVID19, Norton Childrens Medical Group

Getting kids checked after COVID-19 and before resuming sports

Exercise after recovering from COVID-19, even in kids who had mild symptoms or no symptoms, can be risky, especially since the coronavirus can strike at the heart muscle. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends kids, including adolescents, who tested positive for the coronavirus in the past six months see their pediatrician before resuming physical activity….

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COVID19, Norton Childrens Medical Group

You can now get fast and accurate COVID-19 tests for kids

COVID-19 testing for kids is now fast and accurate — important considerations as children may need to show proof of a negative test before resuming many activities. Recent breakthroughs have made polymerase chain reaction (PCR) COVID-19 tests — the gold standard in coronavirus testing — available with nearly 100% accurate results that the equipment displays…

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COVID19, Infectious Disease

Norton Children’s launches pediatric COVID-19 follow-up clinic

There’s a new option for kids with prolonged symptoms after COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus. Norton Children’s Infectious Diseases, affiliated with the University of Louisville School of Medicine, has opened a COVID-19 Follow-up Clinic. The clinic is for children and teens experiencing persistent effects after a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19. “Children…

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Behavioral-Mental Health, COVID19, Norton Childrens Medical Group

How to recognize stress in children

Stress in children can show up as mood swings, acting out, changes in sleep patterns or bed-wetting. Some kids have physical reactions, including stomachaches and headaches. Others have trouble concentrating or completing schoolwork. Still others become withdrawn or spend a lot of time alone. “Changes in routine such as school closure, and isolation from friends…

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COVID Vaccine, COVID19, Infectious Disease

Reluctance to get a COVID-19 vaccine could hamper its effectiveness

La renuencia de obtener una vacuna del COVID-19 puede obstaculizar su efectividad As vaccination against COVID-19 is on the horizon, physicians and public health officials are concerned that this potentially lifesaving measure will be viewed with skepticism and even refusal. The vast majority of individuals get vaccinations as recommended, but in recent decades an increase…

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COVID19, Foundation, Kentucky Poison Control Center

The health care providers staffing the Kentucky COVID-19 Hotline

The rapid spread of the coronavirus has made it critical that accurate health information be distributed as quickly as possible to Kentucky residents. The Kentucky Poison Control Center of Norton Children’s Hospital stepped up to establish the commonwealth’s COVID-19 hotline in early March. The center is led by Ashley Webb, Pharm.D., DABAT, who oversees a…

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Behavioral-Mental Health, COVID19, Norton Childrens Medical Group

An opportunity this holiday season to instill gratitude and hope in our children

For so many, this year has felt like a long haul with no end in sight. A global pandemic, racial injustice and economic insecurity have all contributed to surging rates of mental illness in families across our community. Young people, Black and Hispanic communities, essential workers and unpaid caregivers report the highest rates of anxiety,…

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COVID19, Norton Childrens Medical Group

An easy-to-follow guide to helping the kids enjoy the season while staying safer

One thing COVID-19 has taught us is that we don’t need to be physically together to be together. Virtual celebrations are an ideal way to catch up with those who live both near and far. Gather ’round your digital devices Ugly holiday sweater contest Holiday home tours Holiday baking day Tree-trimming party Check in on those…

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