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Speech therapy for kids focuses on treating disorders related to making sounds. Language therapy helps with conditions that affect understanding or putting words together to communicate ideas.
Speech disorders fall into three general categories:
Language disorders can either be expressive (affecting a child’s ability to express themselves) or receptive (understanding or processing language).
Cognitive-communication disorders are issues with communication skills that involve memory, attention, perception, organization, regulation and problem-solving.
Speech-language pathologists at Norton Children’s ENT & Audiology help identify, diagnose and treat disorders that affect a child’s verbal communication.
Our speech-language pathologists are specially trained to work with infants, children and teens to provide auditory verbal therapy.
If your baby isn’t responding to sound or making noises, contact your pediatrician right away. For less obvious situations, it can be hard to tell if there’s a reason to be concerned.
Parents and regular caregivers should be able to understand about half a child’s speech at age 2 and three-quarters of it at age 3.
Here are some milestones to watch for, but trust your instincts. If your child’s speech is harder to understand than you’d expect for their age, contact your pediatrician.
To determine a diagnosis, the care team will perform comprehensive evaluations and work with the caregiver to develop a treatment plan for your child using best practices in listening and spoken language (LSL) therapy.
At Norton Children’s ENT & Audiology, our developmental interventionist is a certified auditory verbal educator in LSL. Our developmental interventionist is specially trained to provide early intervention and school-based support to children with hearing loss and their families. Our developmental interventionist also works to connect families with community and state resources to support the child.
In speech-language therapy, your child works one-on-one or in a small group with a speech-language pathologist.
Early treatment for hearing loss can help your child achieve listening and spoken language improvement.
At Norton Children’s ENT & Audiology, our speech-language pathologists work with early interventionists to use strategies that can grow your child’s listening and spoken language abilities. We all learn spoken language by listening. A child with any degree of hearing loss can use a hearing device to learn to listen and speak. Key to this is a proper diagnosis, proper amplification and consistent participation in listening and spoken language therapy.
Our team, along with your child’s audiologist, works to ensure hearing devices deliver their maximum benefit.
In Kentucky, children up to age 3 with at least mild hearing loss in both ears can qualify for the First Steps early intervention program. If your child is identified with hearing loss or if our pediatric audiologists determine hearing is normal but your child has other developmental concerns, your child may be eligible. With your permission, we can contact First Steps, which may authorize certain services at our office and in the community.
Children with hearing loss who do not meet First Steps criteria for services or children who are newly identified with hearing loss after age 3 may be eligible to receive care through in-person or telehealth services with our LSL providers.
LSL therapy can help your child maximize listening and spoken language from home with their own toys. Thanks to an Oberkotter Foundation grant, Norton Children’s ENT & Audiology offers LSL therapy via telehealth at no cost.
Our goal is to help you maximize the time your child has their “ears on.” A child with any degree of hearing loss can learn to listen and talk. Your LSL therapist will help you learn fun and effective ways to increase listening and language into daily interactions with your child.
Coaching strategies focus on parents and caregivers being your child’s first and best teachers.
Call (502) 588-8905 for more information.