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The skilled team at Norton Children’s Behavioral & Mental Health provides assessment and management of complex behavioral and mental health needs. We offer care for conditions including difficult-to-treat (treatment refractory) attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), disruptive behaviors, mood and anxiety disorders, trauma-related disorders, psychotic illnesses and other mental health issues impacting individual or family functioning.
Integrated Pediatric Care
Mental health care is provided in conjunction with other pediatric care in order to improve access and assist with early detection and treatment of illness. Currently, we work closely with Norton Children’s Medical Group and specialty clinics, such as hematology/oncology, sleep medicine and transplant services, all located in downtown Louisville at the Novak Center for Children’s Health. Additional integrated care services are expanding as we look to the future.
Chronic Illness
Psychological services are provided to evaluate and treat children, teens, young adults and their families struggling to accept and manage long-term illnesses, such as diabetes, epilepsy, organ failure, cancer and conditions causing chronic pain.
Children’s Health and Illness Recovery Program
Children’s Health and Illness Recovery Program (CHIRP) is a multidisciplinary family-based treatment program designed to maximize the functioning of teens with chronic illnesses. Patients with chronic, debilitating, fatiguing and/or painful illnesses face challenges that may disrupt their normal physical, psychological and social development. The program offers evidence-based group therapy for patients and their caregivers. Each participates in separate group therapy sessions over the course of 12 weeks.
Social Skills Group for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Three times a year, teens with social skills deficits stemming from a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder are treated in a six-week group therapy setting focused on improving this aspect of their diagnosis.
Sports Psychiatry
Young sports players have access to specialized assessment and treatment for mental health issues related to their identity or performance as athletes.
Parent Child Interactional Therapy
We have a certified Parent Child Interactional Therapy (PCIT) therapist who provides this specialized intervention for young children with behavioral issues and their caregivers. Treatment typically consists of 12 to 20 sessions with a therapist to address aggression, destructive behavior, defiance and caregiver confidence.