Defibrillator and Pacemaker, Heart, News

Saved by the first tiny pacemaker, Heavenleigh finds her forever home

Anyone who’s met Heavenleigh falls in love with her grin. It’s been winning people over since she was an infant. Heavenleigh has an even bigger reason to smile these days. Almost three years after receiving the first specially-designed, tiny pacemaker for a premature infant, she is now officially adopted by the family who raised her….

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Defibrillator and Pacemaker, Heart

New type of pacemaker gets Louisville girl active again

Aubrie Chandler loves volleyball. A hitter on her championship team last year, Aubrie, 12, has always wanted to play as the libero, a defensive player in the back row who receives lots of spikes and hard-hit balls. Due to a heart condition and having an abdominal pacemaker, Aubrie has refrained from playing her favorite position…

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Defibrillator and Pacemaker, Heart

Twin gets pacemaker for congenital heart block

The Jackson family discovered the first surprise of their second pregnancy at their scheduled 14-week appointment: They were having twin boys. A few days before Christmas 2017, the family went for the 20-week anatomy scan, which showed the first sign that there might be a heart issue with “baby B,” their son, Walker. Already reeling…

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