
Little one is sick, what do you do?

We’ve all heard it: “Mommy, I don’t feel good. Can’t we just stay home?” For many parents, staying home isn’t an option. But it does pose the question of when is a child too sick for day care? Sure-fire signs that you need to keep your child home from day care include: Running a fever…

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Norton Childrens Medical Group

Peanuts no longer a no-no

More children will now know the joys of a PB&J, a Reese’s cup and hundreds of other treats otherwise off-limits. That’s because new research shows that introducing babies to peanut-containing foods can protect their immune system from developing a peanut allergy — one of the most serious, and potentially fatal, food allergies. Several large studies,…

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New Mom, Newsjacking

Pope takes stance on public breastfeeding

Making the news from time to time is a story about a woman who was asked to leave a public place because she was breastfeeding. We have recently seen stories about moms in stores, airports and restaurants who were told to leave or to nurse in a bathroom. Breastfeeding mothers also often are subjected to…

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Childrens Hospital Foundation, Norton Childrens Classes, Norton Childrens Medical Center, Prevention & Wellness

Making big moves toward reducing obesity

Childhood obesity is a serious issue in Kentucky, where nearly 20 percent of kids ages 10 to 17 are obese. The bluegrass state ranks third in the U.S. in percentage of obese high school students. Norton Children’s Prevention & Wellness, supported by the Children’s Hospital Foundation, has been closing the gap by providing opportunities for…

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Cancer, Teens

Local high school rallies to fight cancer

While planning the inaugural Christian Academy of Louisville Centurion Classic Field Hockey Tournament this year, the CAL field hockey family — players, coaches and parents — committed to giving a portion of the tournament’s profits to a local charity that holds special significance to the team. The team selected the emerging Adolescent and Young Adult…

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Prevention & Wellness

Turn your kid into a kitchen wizard

The kitchen adventures continue as Walker, my 2-year-old son, and I worked to earn our second ChopChop Cooking Club badge – Whisking Wizard. Last week we became Blender Bosses and had a lot of fun making a smoothie. These first two badges have challenged my family to carve out time to get in the kitchen…

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Prevention & Wellness

Falling furniture fears

Kids love to climb. That, coupled with their natural curiosity and desire to play, can turn a seemingly innocent piece of furniture or television into something very dangerous. A viral video of two toddler boys climbing on a dresser that then falls over has brought additional focus to the issue. In the video, the boys…

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Childrens Hospital Foundation, Foundation, Norton Childrens Hospital, Norton Healthcare Foundation

14 individuals, families donate $4.7 million

In May 2016, 14 individuals and families were inducted into the 2016 class of the Wade Mountz Heritage Society, with gift commitments totaling $4.7 million. Established in 2008, the Wade Mountz Heritage Society recognizes donors who have made irrevocable planned gifts of $100,000 or more to support the mission and vision of Norton Healthcare’s adult-service…

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7+ ways to get the kids moving indoors

With chilly winter weather settling in, it’s often difficult to get our kids to head outside for some much-needed exercise and activity time. Never fear — exercising inside the house can be done, and creativity is certainly the key when it comes to planning a routine that will keep kids’ bodies active and hearts pumping….

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Granny’s pills aren’t candy

You know those idyllic Thanksgiving scenes that dance in your head but never seem to materialize? Here’s mine from this year: My mother-in-law and I are in the kitchen, up to our eyeballs in sweet potatoes and turkey, when we hear my 5-year-old say, “How come Daisy gets candy and I don’t?” I’m not one…

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Chop Chop! Get your kids cooking

For a lot of busy families, cooking a healthy dinner gets put on the back burner (and I’m not talking about the one on the stove). Who’s got time to think of a healthy recipe in the midst of the day-to-day of a modern working family? Sitting down to a nightly meal as a family…

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Having an attitude of gratitude

I recently asked my 4-year-old daughter what she is thankful for. Her answer: “Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Lalaloopsie.” Ahem … What about Mommy and Daddy? I posed the same question to my 15-year-old cousin, and her answer was slightly more sophisticated: “Family, friends, education, food, lol!” I’m glad she found my inquiry amusing and…

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