Child abuse is 100 percent preventable — you have the tools to end it

Stay in control, be smart in choosing a child’s caregiver, know how to get support and identify the signs so you can stop child abuse before it’s too late.

Don’t think your baby can be a victim of abuse? Think again. Kentucky and Indiana have some of the highest rates of child physical abuse and neglect in the country — more than 40,000 kids a year. Families of all races, backgrounds and economic statuses feel the catastrophic effects of child abuse.

We all can do our part to keep kids safe and put an end to abuse, which is 100 percent preventable. Stay in control, be smart in choosing a child’s caregiver, know how to get support and identify the signs before it’s too late.

Here are some other ways you can help put an end to abuse:

  • If you’re a parent and you feel yourself about to lose control, it’s OK to step away. Listen to your favorite song, take a few deep breaths or call a friend.
  • Keep a list of friends’ and family members’ phone numbers to call for support.
  • If you know a parent who may need a break, offer to babysit so he or she can step away for an hour or two.
  • Offer to run an errand for a neighbor with small children who has difficulty getting out of the house. A small gesture like that can greatly reduce stress for the parent.

If you suspect child abuse, the law says you must report it. In Kentucky, call (877) KYSAFE1. In Indiana, call (800) 800-5556. You can remain anonymous

Here are more tools to help you keep your child safe: