Caroline Herzig’s life revolves around horses, while her sister, Catherine, lives for tennis. Despite their different interests, the girls have a lot in common. Due to spine surgery and a severely broken leg, the sisters have a combined three rods and 20 screws in their bones. They also spent time recovering in the same unit…
There are many benefits to kids participating in sports, from confidence-building and physical health to boosting social skills and problem-solving ability. However, there are risks of sport-dependent injury in growing children. Sport-dependent injury There are patterns to the kinds of injury that vary from sport to sport. Soccer players may have knee and ankle problems….
To jump or not? Trampolines are popular fixtures in backyards, and trampoline parks are popular in cities across the U.S. But how dangerous are trampolines? Pediatric orthopedic surgeons warn about trampoline use and accidents that cause broken arms, wrists, elbows and legs, as well as knee and joint injuries. “We see an increasing number of…
Everyone of us, young and old, is at risk for taking a stumble and breaking a bone, an injury also called a fracture. Children, however, are at risk for an additional type of injury: the growth plate fracture, also called growth plate injury. What is it, and how does it happen? What is the growth…
It’s fun to play with fireworks — until it’s not. Emergency departments across the country see an increase in burns and hand injuries around the July Fourth holiday. Charity S. Burke, M.D., hand surgeon with Norton Louisville Arm & Hand, has treated such fireworks injuries. Norton Louisville Arm & Hand The skilled surgeons with Norton…
Spring is officially here — and that means young pitchers and catchers are reporting to baseball fields all across Louisville and Southern Indiana. Youth baseball is a fun and healthy spring and summer sport for boys and girls. But as youth sports get more competitive and kids specialize in a single sport or position at…
As a parent, you can look for several signs of a kid’s broken arm or broken leg. The different types of fractures can have many of the same signs or symptoms, including: Bruising: Your child may have a bruise or bruises near the break. Your child may say that it feels tender, or that it…
It’s the season where kids are outside playing and, unfortunately, experiencing injuries such as a fracture, better known as a broken bone. Laura K. Jacks, M.D., pediatric orthopedic surgeon with Norton Children’s Orthopedics of Louisville, affiliated with the UofL School of Medicine, answers common questions parents have when a child experiences a broken bone. What…