Kids can experience migraine just like adults do, and if you experience migraine, you know how helpless you can feel until it passes. It is thought that even babies can get migraine headaches. Many parents want to know what causes migraine headaches in children and whether there are ways to provide relief or potentially avoid…
Migraine in teenagers is relatively common. It can be a disabling neurological condition that can interfere with school attendance, academic performance and other important obligations, like work and sports. Nearly 10% of children and teens deal with migraine, and more teenage girls will experience migraine, compared with teenage boys. Overall, increasing amounts of stress on…
Providers are seeing more patients complain of headaches during the pandemic, and headaches are a common symptom of “long COVID-19,” an illness marked by COVID-19 symptoms that linger for months after an infection. Many children who become infected with the COVID-19 virus typically recover within a week, and most cases are not severe. However, some…
Migraine symptoms in kids are very similar to adult symptoms, and since a tendency toward migraine may be passed from parent to child, parents already may know some of the signs. Migraine attacks recur and can cause throbbing pain on one or both sides of the head. More than with a routine headache, migraine symptoms…
When children have headaches or migraine, it is usually not necessary to make an appointment with a neurologist right away. A pediatrician often can begin treatment for a child’s headache or migraine attack, which may speed up relief of their symptoms. Elizabeth S. Doll, M.D., pediatric neurologists at Norton Children’s Neuroscience Institute share tips for…
Is too much screen time causing your child’s headaches? It’s very possible. Excessive screen time is a common issue among children today, and it can cause digital eyestrain. Spending too much time staring at a screen, such as a phone, tablet or computer, can cause digital eyestrain, a key trigger in headaches. Although it may…
Migraine headaches can start at any age, affecting babies and toddlers. There are many differences in symptoms children and adults. What can parents do to spot a migraine and get your child relief? What ages do migraine headaches appear in children? Although migraine headaches most commonly occur in teens and young adults, the attacks can…
Children with blurred vision and headache or double vision may be experiencing increased pressure inside the skull. Sometimes there’s no obvious cause. Often, the condition is pseudotumor cerebri. Pseudotumor cerebri in adults is associated with obesity and is much more frequent in women. In children who haven’t started puberty, pseudotumor cerebri happens equally among boys and girls…
Elizabeth S. Doll, M.D., completed years of medical training to become a child neurologist. But what most people don’t know is she also spent hundreds of hours at Harvard University, training in the art of acupuncture. “I’ve always been interested in integrative and alternative medicines,” said Dr. Doll, who cares for patients at Norton Children’s…
If you’ve ever had a migraine, you’d probably agree you wouldn’t wish one on anyone, much less a child. However, migraines in kids are real and you can learn how to recognize them and help your child through the pain. “About 5 percent of all children experience migraine and this increases to 10 percent during…