Brain tumors are the most common type of solid tumors in children younger than age 15. They account for about 20% of all cancers diagnosed in this age group.
Children and teenagers need brain tumor care tailored to their unique needs. The Norton Children’s Cancer Institute Neuro-oncology Clinic works to offer the best outcomes and the highest possible quality of life after treatment.
The Norton Children’s Cancer Institute Neuro-oncology Clinic is Kentucky’s only multidisciplinary pediatric spinal cord and brain tumor treatment program. The multidisciplinary clinic brings board-certified and fellowship-trained brain tumor specialists from across the Norton Children’s network together in one convenient location. These specialists include a neuroradiologist, neuro-oncologist, neurosurgeons, radiation oncologists, neurologists, pathologists and a psychologist. This approach ensures a varied team of physicians can discuss the latest research and treatment options for your child.
Terms such as “benign” or “malignant” don’t properly describe spinal cord or brain tumors. A tumor may be considered benign or noncancerous, but a slow-growing, benign tumor can create serious issues for a growing child given the tight confines of the skull around the brain or the vertebrae surrounding the spinal cord.
We treat:
Your family is an important part of the treatment decision-making process. The board-certified and fellowship-trained physicians at Norton Children’s Cancer Institute Neuro-oncology Clinic care for families in a comprehensive, convenient and caring atmosphere.