Stories behind the scissors

Hairdressers who volunteer at Chili’s® Clip for Kids cancer fundraising event share why they participate.

Author: Norton Healthcare

Published: May 10, 2016 | Updated: May 20, 2021

Jerry Durbin
Visible Changes Hair Studio

“It touches my heart to see these kids be so brave, and this is my way of giving back to them.”

Jerry in a clip: Veteran barber for various fundraisers

Chili’s® Clip for Kids isn’t Jerry’s first rodeo. He has been using his skills to give back in some capacity for 40 years. He has fond memories doing “cut-a-thons” for the Muscular Dystrophy Association, where he cut hair for 24 hours straight, and he has been involved with other organizations as well. About four years ago he began volunteering for Clip for Kids.

A quick trim with Jerry …

What do you say when someone is freaking out about shaving their head?
I ask them, “Are you ready?” and then laugh. Then I reassure them that it will grow back in a hurry.

What’s the best part about Chili’s Clip for Kids?
When I shave a parent’s or sibling’s head in honor of their child, brother, sister, etc. They talk about the child and their memories as I am shaving. I admire them so much for doing this.

Wendy Batts
Salon 123

“Hair is such a small part of who you are, and inner beauty is more important than outer beauty.”

Wendy in a clip: A hairdresser with a big heart

Wendy has participated in Chili’s Clip for Kids for two years now but was struck by one especially emotional story: A little boy and his grandmother came to her station and both got their hair totally shaved off. The little boy told his grandmother that it was all going to be OK and that he was going to be OK. His grandmother was crying, but he had the biggest smile on his face.

That’s why Wendy loves this event — because she gets to witness some of the most courageous children standing in solidarity with other kids who don’t get to choose to lose their hair.

A quick trim with Wendy …

What kind of haircut do you prefer (a clip, trim or shave)?
I prefer to give a clip because you can always change the shape to fit their personality.

Why do you like participating in Chili’s Clip for Kids?
Volunteering for this important cause makes me feel that I will help make the world a better place. Everyone should do their part.

Joshua Cole Scott-Lewis
Salon 123

“I thoroughly enjoy shaving heads. It is kind of exciting to see the beauty that one has when they are not hiding behind hair.”

Joshua in a clip: Chili’s Clip for Kids committee member and humbled hairdresser

As a committee member, Joshua works with all the volunteer barbers and sees firsthand the selflessness they bring to the event. And what matches this generosity and service are the stories he hears while clipping. He says such a story is unique and personal, both joyful and saddening. This is why he clips for kids: to meet the people who give, serve and stand in solidarity with children who need help in their fight against cancer.

A quick trim with Joshua …

What advice would you have for someone who is afraid to get a haircut?
First I would say we don’t have to shave your hair; we can trim it and maybe next year we could do more. Also I give them my card at the end of their cut and offer a free shape-up or cut within the week following, since the day of the event can be sort of in-and-out. I feel they are doing something a lot of people cannot do and want them to feel at ease.

What is one thing that people might not know about Chili’s Clip for Kids?
The volunteers do so much for this event to help not only the children with cancer at Norton Children’s Hospital but the rest but the community as a whole. With the hard work of these amazing and selfless people we are able to bring support to those who need it.

What can your personality tell you about your next haircut?
Take a quiz to find out!

Learn more about how you can get involved in Chili’s Clip for Kids.