Kindergarten 101: What your child needs to know

Three things every kindergartner should know

Author: Norton Children's

Published: August 14, 2018 | Updated: May 9, 2019

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Starting kindergarten can create excitement and anxiety for kids and parents alike. Much of that fear will go away if your child is prepared before entering the classroom.

Keeping your family healthy

What should your kindergartner know? Sharon Rengers, R.N., manager of Norton Children’s Prevention & Wellness, said they should have a firm grasp of the following:

• Know how to say, spell and write their name.
• Have their phone number, address and parents’ names memorized.
• Know how to interact with strangers and what they should and shouldn’t say to strangers.

Practice makes perfect. Practice with your child to make sure they are not caught off guard when asked questions.