Golden ticket: 4 co-workers buy Home & BMW raffle ticket together and win big

Going in together to buy a $100 ticket for the Norton Children’s Hospital Home & BMW raffle paid off for four nurses who split a $500,000 prize.

Author: Tracy K. Miller

Published: December 19, 2023

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Just in time for the holidays, a group of Norton Healthcare employees cashed in the winning ticket for $500,000 as part of the Norton Children’s Hospital Home & BMW Raffle drawn Saturday, Nov. 18.

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Michellene Reynolds, R.N.; Sheila Sanders, R.N.; Christel Spears, R.N.; and Mary Ann Yann, R.N. have worked together for over five years as part of Norton Hospital’s care management team. Over time, the group members, who calls themselves the “Golden Girls,” have created a sisterhood. They travel together, enjoy nights out and make time to support one another when life throws them curveballs.

“I could not imagine my life without them,” Christel said. “I love them all like sisters, and really, they are my family.”

When Mary Ann approached the others to go in on a $100 Home & BMW raffle ticket, they all happily agreed.

“I had no expectations of winning,” Sheila said. “I just thought I was making a donation to the [Norton] Children’s Hospital Foundation.”

To their surprise, they won!

The group had just left a Friendsgiving hosted by Sheila when Mary Ann got the news that their ticket had been drawn during the Snow Ball gala. Mary Ann, in tears, called each member of the group.

“I started shaking, Sheila began laughing and Christel didn’t believe we’d actually won,” Michellene said.

The group visited the brand new grand prize house in Norton Commons the next morning after the drawing, but ultimately decided to accept the cash option of $500,000, splitting it four ways.

They all say the winnings have been life-changing — and, for these winners, those lives extend beyond their own. From helping relatives buy or remodel homes to paying off bills for others, the group is paying it forward.

“It’s enabling all of us to do things with meaning,” Sheila said.

This was the first time the group purchased a Home & BMW Raffle ticket together — but not the first time for Mary Ann, who has purchased a ticket for the raffle for many years. She laughs and says she’s not at all salty about splitting the winnings with her co-workers.

“I know of no better people to share it with,” she said.

With 16,000 tickets sold as part of the Home & BMW Raffle, the winners’ group is still in awe of the odds they beat.

“You think 1 in 16,000 — how lucky is that!” Mary Ann said.