‘Screenagers’: How to limit your kids’ screen time

Free viewing and provider discussion of documentary ‘Screenagers’ available to help kids and parents understand the effects of screen time

Author: Erin R. Frazier, M.D.

Published: April 2, 2018 | Updated: July 30, 2020

The documentary “Screenagers” features a woman who is both a mother and pediatrician searching for the answer to how much screen time is appropriate for kids.

Norton Children’s Prevention and Wellness is hosting a screening for middle school and high school students and parents so families can begin the conversation around how technology affects our lives. As a parent, I have struggled to find an answer on how to let my children interact with technology.

Here is what I learned from “Screenagers”:

  • Kids spend an average of 6½ hours a day on screens, not including classroom or homework.
  • This amount of screen time limits other activities, such as healthy creative play and time outside exploring. Screen time also reduces exercise.
  • Too much screen time can decrease empathy for others due to fewer face-to-face interactions.
  • Girls tend to spend more time on social media, while boys tend to spend more time on video games.
  • Research shows that playing violent video games can increase aggressive thoughts and actions.
  • Technology addiction is real, and we need to be aware.
Screenagers” Movie Showing Party

Join Norton Children’s Prevention & Wellness for a special screening of the movie “Screenagers: Growing up in the digital age.” A discussion with Norton Children’s medical providers will follow the screening.

Friday, April 19
Marshall Women’s Health & Education Center
Norton Medical Plaza 3 – St. Matthews
Suite 108, Classroom B
4123 Dutchmans Lane
Louisville, Kentucky

Who: Any middle or high school-aged kids and parents

Norton Children’s Medical Group

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Let’s face it, technology is here to stay. As parents, we have the ability to help guide our children. To do this, we can implement the following rules:

  • Screen-free family meals: no TV dinners!
  • Screen-free sleep environments. Sleeping near a small screen or having a TV in the room can lead to sleep problems — and 75 percent of teens don’t get adequate sleep.
  • Set time goals to help children and teens do homework without technology distractions. They can then take “tech breaks.” Multitasking with a device can inhibit learning.
  • Have “Tech Talk Tuesdays”: Have open discussions about technology with your children. Ask the following questions:
    • “What do you think is appropriate or inappropriate to post online?”
    • “Have you seen friends overshare or stir up drama?”
  • Lead by example. Parents need to put their phones down and have face-to-face conversations. Unfortunately, many children report seeing parents text and drive.

Erin R. Frazier, M.D., a pediatrician with Norton Children’s Medical Group – Broadway, is medical director at Norton Children’s Prevention & Wellness.