Radiology Services

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Norton Children’s Radiology, affiliated with the UofL School of Medicine, offers a wide variety of diagnostic imaging services for children of all ages. Our equipment and techniques are designed “Just for Kids.”

Diagnostic Imaging and Radiology Services

Barium enema colon study: This test helps the doctor see the colon, which is where food goes when it leaves the stomach and upper part of the intestines. During this test, your child will be given a special liquid, called barium or contrast, to help the colon show up in X-ray pictures. These pictures help the doctor see inside the body and find out why your child might be having bellyaches, trouble going to the bathroom or bleeding during a bowel movement.

Bone scan: This test is used to find issues in the bones or joints. Special pictures are taken after a radioactive liquid is injected into a vein. This helps the doctor see the inside of bones.

Computed tomography (CT) scan: CT scans can help show a muscle or bone issue, birth defect, tumor, infection, inflammation, blood clot, internal injuries or bleeding. CT scans use a big, donut-shaped camera to take X-ray pictures of the inside of the body from all sides. A special computer then puts these pictures together to form detailed, three-dimensional views of the area of the body being examined.

DMSA renal scan: This test checks the function, size, shape and position of the kidneys and shows scarring caused by frequent infections. It also is used to compare the function of the right kidney to the left kidney. A special camera, called a gamma camera, takes pictures of the kidneys after a radioactive liquid called Tc99m DMSA is injected to show how the kidneys are working.

Esophagram: Also called an esophagogram or barium swallow, this test lets the doctor view the esophagus. The esophagus is the tube that takes food from the mouth to the stomach. This test is done with live X-rays. The X-ray pictures are viewed on a video screen, much like a movie of the inside of the body.

Fluoroscopy: This test uses a special camera to take X-ray pictures of the way things are moving inside the body. For example, fluoroscopy can show how food is traveling through your child’s stomach. Sometimes the doctor uses fluoroscopic pictures to see a broken bone or how the joints are moving. The X-ray pictures show up on a video screen, much like a movie of the inside of the body.

Gastric emptying and/or reflux study: This test shows how well your child’s stomach and esophagus are working. Pictures are taken after the child eats or drinks a special liquid that has a small amount of radioactive material in it.

Intravenous pyelogram (IVP): An IVP test takes X-ray pictures of the inside of the body so the doctor can see how the kidneys, bladder and other urinary structures are working. Your child will be given a special liquid called a contrast dye, which helps the kidneys and bladder show up clearly in the pictures.

Lasix renal scan: A Lasix renal scan shows how well the kidneys are working and if anything is blocking the urinary system. Images of the urinary system (kidneys and ureters, the tubes connecting the kidneys to the bladder) are taken after radioactive material is injected into a vein.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): An MRI helps the doctor see parts of the inside of the body that can’t be seen with an X-ray. An X-ray only shows pictures of the bones, but an MRI can show very detailed pictures of everything else, like the muscles, heart or brain. The doctor may use an MRI to check for cancer, heart conditions or disorders of the blood vessels, joints, muscles or bones. An MRI uses a large, very strong magnet and radio waves to take the pictures.

Modified barium swallow test: This test lets the doctor see if your child is swallowing normally. The test uses X-rays to make moving pictures (fluoroscopy) of your child’s mouth, throat and upper esophagus.

Myelogram: This test uses a special camera to take X-ray pictures of the inside of the body to help the doctor see the spine, or backbone. A special liquid, called a contrast dye, is injected into the spinal area through a needle so that the area being studied will show clearly in the pictures.

Nasojejunal feeding tube placement: A nasojejunal tube, or NJ tube, is used to feed and give some medications that need to be placed directly into the intestines. The tube is passed through the stomach and into the small intestine (small bowel) using live X-ray guidance.

Nuclear cardiac test: During this test, a special camera takes pictures of the inside of the body so the doctor can see how the heart is working and how the blood is flowing to the heart. A special radioactive liquid called an isotope will be given to your child through a vein in the arm. This allows the cardiologist to see blood flow to the heart on a computer monitor.

Nuclear imaging: Nuclear images show the doctor pictures of the inside of the body. The doctor might want to check for a tumor, infection, broken bone, arthritis or issues with organs. During the test, your child will be given special radioactive liquid. Sometimes the liquid is ingested, but most of the time it is given through a vein. When the liquid gets to the area of the body the doctor wants to see, a special camera takes detailed pictures.

Ultrasound: An ultrasound uses sound waves to show the doctor how things are moving inside the body. For example, it can show the doctor how blood is flowing through the veins or how the heart is working. Sometimes the doctor uses ultrasound images to find out where infection, pain and swelling might be inside the body. During an ultrasound, the moving pictures show up on a video screen, much like a live movie of the inside of the body.

Upper gastrointestinal test (UGI): A UGI lets the doctor see if the esophagus and stomach are working correctly. The esophagus is the tube that takes food from the mouth to the belly. The UGI test uses X-rays to make moving pictures of the esophagus and stomach. These X-ray pictures will show up on a video screen, much like a live movie of the inside of the body. These types of X-rays are called fluoroscopic X-rays.

Voiding cystourethrogram (VCU): A VCU lets the doctor see if the bladder and urethra are working correctly. The bladder is a part of the body that holds urine until the child is able to go to the bathroom. A special camera takes X-ray pictures that show what happens inside the body as urine is passed from the bladder to the urethra.

X-ray: During an X-ray, a special camera takes pictures of the bones and other areas inside the body. The X-ray pictures show up on camera film or a computer screen. X-rays are the fastest and easiest way for your child’s doctor to see bones, joints, spine, heart or lungs.

The Norton Children’s Difference

Families have access to a wide range of specialties through Norton Children’s extensive network of primary and specialty care practices. Services are available at Norton Children’s Hospital (the region’s only full-service, free-standing pediatric hospital), Norton Children’s Medical Center (the only pediatric outpatient center of its type in Kentucky) and Norton Women’s & Children’s Hospital in St. Matthews (offering pediatric emergency care, a pediatric surgery center, inpatient care and an expanded neonatal intensive care unit).

Norton Children’s Medical Center has a pediatric diagnostic imaging center featuring a full complement of services, including MRI, computed tomography (CT), X-ray, fluoroscopy and ultrasound services, along with a full-service laboratory.

Norton Children’s Radiology offers:

  • Fellowship-trained pediatric radiologists specially trained to review and interpret images
  • Pediatric anesthesiologists available to provide sedatives or anesthesia before tests that may be difficult for some children to hold still for
  • Age-appropriate care to help reduce anxiety, including music, lighting, videos and other distractions.
  • Advanced imaging technology, including:
    • Two MRIs and one 3T MRI
    • Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) scanner
    • 256-slice CT scanner
    • Biplane interventional suite
    • After-hours teleradiology support

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