Why are my breasts different sizes? Is there anything I can do about it?

It is normal to have different sized breasts. Many girls and women do.

If you have just started developing breasts, one breast may grow more quickly than the other. This difference in breast size may even out. But it's also perfectly normal for breasts to be different sizes even when they're fully developed.

If the size difference between your breasts bothers you, you can wear an extra-supportive bra or put a special insert in your bra (on the side where the breast is smaller). This will make your breasts look more equal in size. A bra salesperson can help with ideas for evening things out. Don't be embarrassed — rest assured, they've helped others with the same concern!

If you're still uncomfortable about your breast size, talk to your doctor or gynecologist. He or she can reassure you that your breasts are normal and talk to you about your options. The only way to permanently change the shape of the breasts is through plastic surgery. Most doctors recommend that a girl wait until her breasts are done growing (about age 20) before considering plastic surgery.

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